Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • My First Trip (to NYC) Since the Pandemic

    My First Trip (to NYC) Since the Pandemic

    Hello everyone! A few weekends ago, I visited one of my favorite cities in America, New York City. As I mentioned in this post, since the pandemic, I have not traveled much. Before the pandemic, I use to travel at least once a year. And most of the time, it would be some type of…

  • A Weekend Trip to Madison, Virginia

    A Weekend Trip to Madison, Virginia

    Hey everyone! In 2020, I wrote a blog post about the trips I missed due to COVID-19 and reminisced on some of my favorite trips. I’m excited to say that I have finally embarked upon my first trip since the pandemic started. This month, I planned a mini vacation for my family to Madison, Virginia.…

  • 1- Year Home Anniversary (Would I Do Anything Differently?)

    Hey everyone! Can you believe we’re already halfway through 2022? This pandemic really has a way of affecting the concept of time. Speaking of time, it’s been one year now since I purchased my first home! The time has definitely flown by. I have been excited to write this blog post but also unsure of…

  • Book Review: 30 Things I Love About Myself (June 2022 Pick)

    Hello everyone! Do you ever set a goal for the year, start off strong, and then lose speed? That’s me right now with my reading goal for the year. For the past few years, I have tried to read at least one more book than I had the previous year. In 2020, I read 27…

  • Amazon Home Office Essentials

    Amazon Home Office Essentials

    Hey everyone! With the exception of going into the office once a week for a few hours, I have been teleworking full-time from home for the past two years. Teleworking (mostly) full-time from home was really needed for my mental and physical health. Before Covid, I would wake up at 4:30a get to work by…

  • Meet My Puppy

    Hello everyone! If you’re new to my blog, I started this blog for two general reasons: 1) to process my thoughts/experiences of becoming an adult, and 2) to share what I have learned through different “adulting” experiences. I like to share my experiences with the world in hopes that it will resonate and help someone…

  • Hello!

    Hello everyone! I tend to go through two cycles when it comes to this blog; I’ll write a lot for one period and then be ghost for another period. At one point, I wanted to monetize my blog, so I planned to write at least one blog a week. I quickly found out that I…

  • First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage

    First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage

    Hello everyone! It’s one of my favorite times of the year…21 Days of Prayer. I love this time with the church because it helps me to refocus on God. Every morning we worship God, pray for others individually, then pray corporately around a certain topic. Yesterday we prayed for marriages, which I think was timely.…

  • My Attempt At Homeownership

    My Attempt At Homeownership

    Buying a home is both scary and exciting. Here is my journey…

  • A Consequential Decision

    A Consequential Decision

    Hello everyone! For a couple of years now, I have wanted to write an op-ed but was afraid it wouldn’t be good enough. There’s something about articulating your thoughts in writing for all to read, that intrigues me. I guess that’s why I started a blog lol But this very expression leaves the writer vulnerable…

Got any book recommendations?